Collection: Dryness & Dehydration


Difference between skin type and skin condition:

  • SKIN TYPE  is genetic / inherited / what you are born with.
  • SKIN CONDITION is influenced by external factors (UV exposure, harsh chemical contact with skin, climate) and internal factors (hormones, medications)

Dry skin is a skin type

  • Lacks natural oils / sebum
  • Skin texture may he rough, flaky and itchy
  • Can cause premature ageing 
  • Skin needs lipid (oil) rich treatment moisturisers and oils. 

Dehydrated skin is a skin condition

  • Lacks water in the skin
  • Skin will feel tight and itchy due to skin’s barrier layer being impaired 
  • Can cause breakouts due to lack of water (small underlying bumps) 
  • Skin needs hydration treatments that are rich in Hyaluronic acid and Ceramides (ceramides are found naturally in skin but can be depleted in dehydrated skin).