Collection: Oiliness, Breakouts & Acne

Difference between skin type and skin condition:

  • SKIN TYPE  is genetic / inherited / what you are born with.
  • SKIN CONDITION is influenced by external factors (UV exposure, harsh chemical contact with skin, climate) and internal factors (hormones, medications)

Oily skin is a skin type:

  • Has enlarged pores
  • Excess oil/sebum production (especially on nose, cheeks and forehead
  • Appears shiny, greasy and sometimes red
  • Prone to blackheads and breakouts due to oils being trapped inside pores.  

Acne, breakout prone is a skin condition:  

  • Non-inflammatory acne (white heads, black heads and small pimples) is caused by excess sebum/oil production and build up of dead skin cells.  This can be treated by using a chemical exfoliation (BHA and AHA peel) 1-2X/week along with clarifying mask and hydration (water based) serum.  
  • Inflammatory acne (large inflamed pustules) is caused by bacteria, build up of dead skin cells and excess oil production.  This can be treated by using treatment products containing anti bacterial properties along with soothing hydrating toner to soothe and calm the skin.